If you are reading this post, most of you know we found out we are having a GIRL in August! Nico and I were soooooooooooo excited to get our ultrasound and to see what we were having and to see how our baby. I couldn't sleep the night before because I was so anxious and nervous. I felt like it took forever as we were waiting in the Doctor's office for our ultrasound. As soon as we got in, everything went by so fast for me and I wanted to take it all in. It was amazing to see Abby moving around, even though I hadn't felt her moving at the time. She is perfect to us already. I was FOR SURE we were having a boy. I had dreams that we were having a boy, everyone told me I was having a boy, and I thought I just knew. When the nurse told us we were having a girl, I was in shock and started crying a little bit. I was trying to take it all in with seeing her arms, legs, brain, profile, etc. I called my mom and told her we were having a girl and I lost it. I know this all sounds corny, but that is when it hit me we were having a little girl and I started getting super excited! We decided to name her Abigail Claire Gonzalez and call her Abby. I didn't think I would like buying girly things, but I sure do love it!! Getting little Abby dresses is so fun! She is already a blessing to us and I can't wait till she gets here!
1 comment:
Stacey that is SO exciting. I can't believe that you are going to be a mamma. She is going to be one lucky girl. I wouldn't know what it is like to buy stuff for a girl...but if we ever have one I am sure that I will go crazy. Take care of yourself and I will hopefully see you soon!
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