I update our Blog. I have never been good at keeping a journal and I wanted to make a goal to start keeping a blog. So much has happened since the last post. I will try to do everything in different posts. Where do I start? Nico graduated with his under grad in civil engineering. I am so proud of him and how hard he has worked. His last semester I hardly saw him and I'm glad I had abby to keep my busy and she is great company :) Nico's parents were able to come to see Nico graduate and my parents as well. It was great to be around family and for Nico to see how much support he has. We had a BBQ with friends and family and we are so grateful for them and their support! He started in August with his masters program in civil and environmental engineering and will be finished next December. Abby and I are so grateful what he does for our family!! Te quiero papi!

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