Thursday, August 20, 2009

Nico and his drinks...

I went grocery shopping today and I was putting everything away and I noticed on our counter all the drinks I bought for Nico, yes he loves to have little juice boxes (especially for church). I couldn't believe how many drinks Nico goes through a week. I do help out, but our fridge is full of juice, pop, lemonade, etc. When we were first married Nico was looking in the kitchen and he was telling me he was hungry. I told him to cook something and he said, " I can't eat anything, we have no more juice left and I am not drinking water!" He is not a huge fan of water and he told me he can't eat anything with drinking water. So, I promised him we would always have juice in our house so he doesn't starve. He is funny and I am grateful for the daily laughs and we will never go without juice in our house.

1 comment:

C said...

Hahaha! Me and Jeff laughed about this. That is so funny. Too good for water, huh? LOL!